Y'know a bad habit I've picked up recently? Or I guess 'bad' is subjective, depending on who you are.
Milkshakes at breakfast.

But how could I not be wooed by Einstein's Relative's 'Dulce De Licious' (or something like that) shake? South American caramel and coconut was surprisingly a lot lighter and refreshing than it sounded, especially when topped with a generous handful of crunchy toasted slivers of coconut. Coconut's healthy right? Might have slurped it down in 5 minutes.

These days I'm looking for brunch places to excite me a bit more, I want menus that make me 'ooh' when I read them, and beautiful plates that make me tingle inside with glee. Sure I'm a bit greedy, but when brunch starts becoming a bit same, same, you can't help demand a little more sometimes.

Einstein's Relative ticked off all the boxes for me. Located in the old Outpost cafe spot on Yarra Street, just around the corner from South Yarra station, it's a bright, clean and cheery space. It took Brad and I a little while to find, don't believe the map that google map brings up when you punch in the address (and walk around in circles), just continue straight down Yarra Street a bit more!

With the name it has, one may expect a very science lab-esque space, but I enjoyed that that element is restrained as little details, like a few cute little beakers acting as teeny tiny terrariums.

Along with my milkshake, I also had my usual chai, which was warm, spicy and delicious.

I was smitten with the emerald green of the crockery, so bold, so lovely…and I soon found myself saying the same things about the food as it was presented!

I couldn't get over how colourful and bright the dishes were, an absolute feast for the eyes! Brad got the 'Relative Baked Beans', spicy baked beans with dukkah crumbed poached eggs, gourmet feta and beetroot, served with seeded sourdough, and he opted to add some chorizo to the mix. I only had a small nibble, but I loved the complexity and various flavours, vibrant tomato, rich and spicy chorizo, sweetness from the beetroot and a bit of cut through and contrast with the feta.

Oh and oozy egg yolks. Yes? Yes.

I went for a special, the 'Huarache', a corn tortilla topped with avocado, mexican beans, chicken and feta, served with some tomato salsa. Who doesn't love a little Mexican flair with breakfast?

I was most chuffed that the tortilla was a corn one, as cafes tend to prefer the convenience of wheat tortilla's, not so great for this glutard (when I'm deciding not to suffer the consequences the following day). The chicken was deliciously marinated, it was quite herbaceous, the avocado creamy and fresh and the beans adding a nice bit of body to the whole thing. Just delicious, I adored how bright and lively the flavours were.
Einstein's Relative gave me a lot more than what I was expecting (which is always a nice surprise!) I had been looking for a new cafe new South Yarra station other than Two Birds, One stone for breakfast meetings, and with this discovery, I couldn't be happier.
1/9 Yarra Street
South Yarra 3141
That milkshake sounds delicious! We were going to go to Einstein's last week but got distracted. :P